Saturday, December 11, 2010

Home Sweet Home

A fantastic weekend back at home in Malacca. Really, there's no place like home. Bless the Sultan of Selangor for having his birthday on a Saturday. =)

Woke up at 7 o'clock this morning. In my opinion, there's no better way to start off such fine morning than bringing my dog, AhGal out for a walk. My sis and Ethan came along too. After we got back, I made us breakfast, fried rice. After that, mom and I went out for grocery shopping in Tesco.

Around 2 o'clock, I started my baking experiments with the recipes I found online. They were the Vegan Chocolate Cake and the Sticky Vegan Cinnamon Roll. Vegan means free of animal products, which means there's no egg or milk used in these recipes. And you know what, they tasted just as good, or even better!

Just wanna share some photos of my hard work of one well-spent afternoon!

The Vegan Chocolate Cake

The Sticky Cinnamon Roll

Without icing

With icing

The same oven ever since I was in primary school. Amazing, except the burnt bulb.

My music- Yiruma =)

The custom-made 'forceps' by grandpa for mom (to remove hot pans from the oven)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Life Ain't Bad

Drifted off to sleep yesterday reading John Grogan's Life Is Like A Sailboat and listening to Justin Bieber's Pray.

I was reading this part about kindness, true stories shared by readers of his column. Mom who donated her brain-dead son's organs; stranger who offered shoes to someone with broken sandals; taxi driver who returned accidentally tipped $70; someone in the queue who offered a desperate mom her number; local who drove lost tourists back to their hotel, and a whole lot more. I particularly like this one line from a person who refused a reward for returning an important briefcase: 'I'm just going to sleep better, knowing I did what I should have done.'. Now if everyone thinks the same way as he does, utopia might not be that unreachable. Why not lend a hand to those in need, given the chance? You might just make his or her day. And to my favourite author, John Grogan, thanks for reminding me that there is still the bright side of humanity when my compassion for fellow humans is gravely stricken by the headlines made up of crimes.

I was also checking out Nigahiga's videos last night. Then I thought of Justin Bieber all of a sudden, so I checked out his channel as well and saw this MV, Pray. Love it. It reminds me that the world is as big as it is, fortunes as unfair, and there is always something larger, something that shouts for attention from people who are too caught up in their own lives like me. While I'm fretting over the occasional little troubles, I fail to notice that there are some other people living on this same planet who face even greater challenges which I doubt myself can handle. By comparison, they make my problem a laugh. (Not that I can really laugh off it) There are always things that we can do to help. Skip that ice-cream, walk that short way, put back that dress, save the money, and donate it.

These two are the things that have touched my heart. Hope that you can check them out, and let them touch yours too.

Monday, November 29, 2010

One day in Genting

I had a great day in Genting today!

The most memorable experience today would be the Space Shot ride. The greatest challenge to my courage ever. Can't believe that I got talked into it. Me, who finds cable car intimidating. According to the Genting website, it's 185 feet tall, and it comes down at a speed of 67km/ hour. Felt like I wanted to jump off my seat when it was about to start, which was already too late, because you can't unfasten the strap once it's locked. Saw the person in charge pressed the button in front of me, counting down to hell. Slowly, it got pumped up into the air. Opened my eyes for a while, closed when it climbed even higher. Peeked for a second near the top though. Then, it stopped at the top. I shut my eyes tightly, took a deep breath, braced myself for the drop. It came. It was crazy. Indescribable. I felt like I left my heart up there. Totally screamed all my organs out. The drop was so fast I got lifted off my seat, so only my hands were holding on tightly to the straps, shaking. And half way screaming, my voice broke. I couldn't even scream. (No wonder I didn't hear anyone screaming in the previous ride.) Then it came to the first lowest level and got pumped up again, this time much lower than the first one. I finally found my voice back and continued screaming. The same thing happened a few times, (pardon me for unable to keep track) then it's over. Thank god.

My first time in the Casino as well. Went in there, had two cups of free Milo, did one round of the Casino, couldn't figure out how to play with all those machines, and came out.

I'm too sleepy to go on any further. So this is it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Miniblog

I've started a miniblog!

I've linked it to the main blog, so you'll be able to access it through the tab right up there. Anyway, it's I created it almost identical with my main blog, because I wanted it to be a part of Gingerlybrown, but with different layout without all the gadgets.

The reason I start a miniblog is because I want a space that I can share things, be it a meaningful event or a beautiful line or a photo or a sudden thought or just crap, that is slightly longer than a status, but not long enough to make a paragraph or two. It's much like Twitter I guess, but I don't like twitter. Thus, this.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Day of A Bookaholic

It's my off day today. Thought of sleeping late, but woke up before 8 anyway. Surfed the net for a while, check some mails, half way reading an on line novel while listening to Jay Chou when the line got cut off. Yeah, I forgot to pay my bills. Lazy actually. So, got myself off the bed, showered and went out.

Settled some banking stuffs and the bill, and I was off to shop! Destination number one: book store number one. Destination number two: book store number two. Destination number three: book store number three. Haha! It was such a great day! Told myself that I'm gonna splurge on books today, and today only. Screw the budgets and savings, forget about the trees and the earth, just for one day. Oh, and the book stores were, in sequence, BookXcess, Kinokuniya and MPH.

So, books that I bought today are: Today Matters by John C. Maxwell (The irony is, at the back of the book cover, there is this one line: 'Manage your money- every day, instead of letting it manage you'. Well, I was thinking, 'if I bought you, my dear book, I'm letting the money to manage me'. And I bought it anyway.), Thinking for A Change by John C. Maxwell (Because of the title of another book, What Got You Here Won't Get You There. Or something like that. So, it's simple isn't it. You've got to change! And I like John C. Maxwell. But seriously, I don't know him at all, other than the fact that he is a bestselling author of like a million books. And Shona likes him too.), Everyday Greatness by Reader's Digest and Covey (I just love Stephen Covey, him and his 7 habits), Eragon by Christopher Paolini (I've been meaning to buy this for ages!! Read it back in high school. It was a library book. Got the second and third book, Eldest and Brisingr, but never got around to collect the first book as well. Finally!), The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (It has great reviews.), Life is Like a Sailboat by John Grogan (One of my favourite authors! It's actually a collection of his articles. See, he wrote for the newspapers previously.), Your Money and Your Brain by Jason Zweig (Simply want to understand my money and my brain.), The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern (Plan to buy this for a long long time! It's on The List. And hard cover no less!), The Power by Rhonda Byrne (I've been eyeing it even before it was out in the market! Bless the MPH for it's Christmas Pick! 30% off!), Blink, The Tipping Point and Outliers by Malcom Gladwell (It was for these three books that I went all the way to Kinokuniya. Vaguely remembered that they had value pack for these three books, but I guess it's either I remembered wrongly, or they no longer have it. Got them in MPH in the end.) So, these are all the books that I bought today!

I'm getting better at utilizing the public transport. Got around the whole day by bus and LRT. Totally proud of myself.
Love Kinokuniya so so much! Love the vast collection of books, the unparalleled variety, the soft lighting, the wooden floor, the soothing classical music, the pullover sweaters and the aprons on the nerdy staffs, everything. Had a sudden urge to work there, seriously. Since I couldn't find the books that I was after, I went round the store. Wondered into areas that I've never been to before (because they never tempted me to) like Performing Arts and Comic. Saw a bunch of Japanese school kids in their light blue uniforms and knee-high black stockings, chattering away in Japanese. For a split second I wanted to learn Japanese. Then I decided that I'm gonna head home and write a blog.

It was raining on my way back. A Korean girl sat beside me in the bus. The sky was palely grey. The colours were muted through the curtain of rain. People were having either their handphones or their MP3 players in their hands. I had my book. =)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

无聊 衍生

又到周末了!超喜欢的。 =)

好吧,我承认我有点喜欢上用中文写部落格了。(虽然还真是麻烦)再者,我可是下定决心要写一篇超长的给某人。嘿嘿。。。一点问题都没有!以前作文废话连篇我最行了,而且我中文也不赖哦。记得小学六年级时,老师告诉我,“你的中文造诣已经到了登峰造极的境界了。”哈哈超自豪的,虽然在那之后中文水平就一落千丈了。 人嘛,总不能太完美。那会让别人自卑,惹人厌。老师教过的中庸之道,我都有牢记在心,并加以实践。最记得的例子有小明每天晚餐吃饭只吃一碗,就算妈妈煮的菜再好吃也一样,因为会发胖。咳,是因为做人要适中。

今天早上起床心情不错,因为不用早起!睡眠可是我的一生至爱。工作时间是九点半到两点半,八点半起床,梳洗了一下,到医院时是九点一刻,还有时间吃早餐。=)之后开始工作,一眨眼就到放工时间了。爱死了星期六呢。当然,如果星期六也不用工作的话,我的“爱死了”再上一个level. =)想想周末一个人呆在房里当宅女,还真够悲哀。决定了,明天一个人去看电影。昨天其实想去了,可是起得太晚,错过了早起鸟儿优惠 (early bird price)。不仅戏票便宜,戏院也蛮空的。所以,明天的计划是,七点半起身,跑步,洗澡,打扮,出门,看戏!好像漏了早餐。或许我该去买面包。再看吧。好想去动物园当义工吶,谁人能陪我,我下半辈子就许给你了。考虑看看吧,本人条件还不错呢。虽然金钱,汽车,房子一样都没有,命有一条,四肢尚健全。坏习惯虽多,但相信不是最多的那一位;牙齿虽乱,但有计划绑牙;身材虽不标准,但很认真地“想着”减肥;有点懒惰,但是二十二年来都存活下来了。呃,还真的。。。不赖吧。当然,优点其实一大堆,但是我为人谦虚,自吹自擂这种行为我办不来,只常常觉得老天爷特别眷恋我就对了。

猜猜我在听谁的歌?No, no, 不是五月天哦。是曹格啦。我喜欢他的歌比喜欢五月天的来得早。很喜欢。一流的歌声,一流的音乐,无可自拔地爱上了,上了瘾,然后越陷越深,越陷越深, 蓦然回首,咦,还在地球表面嘛。好吧,有点冷。

最近对着电脑,常常一不留神就想用手指去触动荧幕,以为是touch screen,因为前些日子OT启用了OOTM( Optimized Operating Theatre Management) (如果没记错的话),每间OT都有一架touch screen 电脑,把部分文件书写电脑化了。在还没完全适应之前,这个系统有些不方便。希望在不久的将来情况会有所改善。呃,怎么突然有点正式?害我好想来个展望未来的演说。当然,我只是说说。

想想,好久没空出时间来画画,阅读,弹吉他,学法文,写书法,下棋,发白日梦,做面膜,感伤,思考,听Yiruma,发疯。。。好吧,再写下去就连呼吸吃饭拉屎睡觉都出来了。重点是,工作了的生活不一样了。以前就算第二天是大考,今天终会有点时间发发疯。现在,或许时间是有的,可是发疯的伙伴们不在身边了。叹气啊。。。 又得重新寻找与我频率相近的疯子了。这真的很难呐,终不能一下子把我的频率释放,那不就吓坏别人了。烦恼啊,一个人疯不起,压抑在我心底的郁闷要怎么解放?!!天啊!!!(想象整个人陷入疯狂绝望的状态,那种由心底,拉开喉咙看得到uvula在振动的呐喊。)其实是无病呻吟啦,总要未雨绸缪嘛。



Thursday, November 4, 2010


用英文开了个头,写了一半,想想,不如用中文吧。我的第一次,或许也是唯一一次。( 天啊,中文输入真的好麻烦吶!)


今天原是oncall second team, 但是因为种种原因,(天生懒惰的基因居首,原谅我的无能为力)把它让了给别人。Sunway 的家庭日去了水上乐园,过了疯狂的一天, 累积了有史以来一天内最多的第一次, 突破了最多的极限。沙哑了喉咙,解放了自己。下次再去。

有天自己一个人去Pyramid 游荡,看了两部电影,吃了两大桶的爆米花,喝了一大杯的饮料,略过了午餐。似乎爱上了一个人看电影的感觉,明天再去。=)

我scrubbed in 了。(中文怎么说,“刷进”?)都是一些小案啦。但至少工作上有些变化。不知道为什么,近来spirit漏了一些些。每天还是会为自己加油,告诉自己,又是美好的一天哦!然后感谢我的Genie。心情指数会上一些,然后带着好心情,过了另一天。但,不想每天都是另一天。




Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Confession of a Murderer

It was a Sunday morning. The sun was shining high up in the sky, mercilessly scorching every exposed being. There was no chirping birds, not a hint of breeze. The dogs were lazing under the shades, oblivious to the fighting cats in the backstreet. It was a huge neighbourhood, full with selfish city dwellers. Where there are humans, there are tales, brewing. Every turn of corner brings another story, perhaps a boring one, perhaps not. One of such, or rather, a confession, is to be told, by the very murderer.

In the house, among hundreds other, loud music was blasting out from one small room. The vocalist of Paramore was screaming at the top of her lungs. The curtain blocked the sunlight from streaming in through the room's only window, but there was the fluorescent light. In huge contrast to the weather outside, the room was cold at a perfect temperature that one would never want to leave to venture into the roasting oven. It was a simple room, with a wardrobe, a bed, a medium-size mirror, a big white table, rack full of books and files, a fridge and a microwave. A standing fan was left forgotten in the corner. The story began with a crave for popcorn. To be specific, a crave for caramel popcorn. Making popcorn is easy. You grab some popcorn kernels, throw it into a microwave bowl, add in a little oil, cover the bowl and start heating up at high power. Then you wait. For a minute or so, the heat will slowly build up. Then, one by one, the kernels start to pop, accompanied by the wonderful popping sounds, simply music from heaven. Not long after the birth of the first popcorn, the mouth-watering smell of popcorn starts to fill the room. If you don't watch it, it would then turn into the less than appealing burnt smell. Still edible though. When the kernels have done transforming, take the bowl out. It should take less then 5 minutes. You would want to use mittens or a piece of cloth, because the bowl would be blistering hot. With the popcorn done, the next and the last thing to work on is the caramel. (of course, this is the lazy-bug version. The proper way includes coating the popcorn evenly with caramel, then baking it for an hour) Caramel is the melted and browned sugar. Contrary to the simple definition, making caramel is highly dangerous, requiring patience and experience, as it gets burnt easily. A trip to the loo is all it takes to pronounce it a disaster. According to the almighty World Wide Web, what you need to do is to heat up the sugar first, stirring frequently, till it turns brown. Then you need to add in water to dissolve it to the perfect consistency.

Well you might wonder, what does making caramel popcorn have to do with the murder? It most certainly was not the murdering of popcorn. You see, things usually happened at the most unexpected moment. (because if it's expected, then it would have been prevented, thus not 'happened'.) The last step of the whole process, the seemingly harmless act of adding the water, made all the difference. Regardless of the tempered glass, certified microwave-safe, the lid of the microwave bowl (which I used to heat the sugar) cracked at the contact of cold water and the extreme heat of the glass. Just like that. Just like that. It left me gawking, for a couple of seconds. And to top it off, the caramel was burnt.
Much effort for nothing.

The eulogy
The lid, it had served well, it did. Throughout the years, regardless of storms and thunders, it had never failed, surviving through the endless abuse, delivering gourmets and failed attempts. To perish when it was about to make a historical point is most regretted indeed. Rest in peace, and rest assured that, in years to come, you will always be in my heart. No matter how many lids that I shall break in the future, you will always be my number one.

The Murderer

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I See You

I just had easily the most awesome lunch that I've made myself lately. It's just sandwich actually, and the highlight was lots and lots of vege. =) Wholegrain bread+ Cameron lettuce+ tomato+ bell pepper+ black olives+ sweet corns+ baked beans+ cherry honey tomato+ carrot+ apple. Dressing was splash of apple cider vinegar+ drops of hot pepper sauce+ chili sauce. And some herb flakes and black pepper and margarine spread. Totally vegan and heavenly. If only I could get a big fat onion, it would be perfect. The sweet corns, baked beans, cherry tomato, carrot and apple were just side dishes of course. Couldn't fit them all in between two thin slices of bread. Wanted to make carrot sticks initially, ended up crunching the carrot just as it was. Well, to tell the truth, it is a bit of cheating to say that it's the best lunch that I've made myself lately because I haven't been preparing lunch for myself for quite a while (settled it in the cafeteria at hospital), so there wasn't any comparison to begin with, thus 'easily'. Still, I would say that it's the healthiest thus far.

Thought of writing a post every time after jogging initially, but the last related post was quite some time ago. And now I've given up totally. Guess it's my 'hangat-hangat tahi anak ayam'. Why the 'anak'? Well, in my humble opinion, the chick is much smaller, so I reckon that the stool will be smaller in size too, thus contains lesser heat and requires shorter time for the heat to radiate off it. See, it takes just this much time for my determination to flicker and then, snuffed. As much as the chick's droppings. One thing to be glad is that I still go for regular jogging. =)

Finished 'The Longest Trip Home' earlier today. It's officially one of my favourite books now. John Grogan is simply gifted at telling stories. Not that it's a story, as in fiction. It's a memoir. And I admire his courage to share with the world his embarrassing moments and dirty little secrets. I would not have the guts to do that. Plus, there isn't much to tell of my life. I've been a good kid throughout my life, so good that when I look back, it's simply boring and insignificant by comparison. Not complaining though, just wish that I'd had the courage to do things I'd only contemplated. It's a story unfolding his life from childhood to adulthood, in which his parents play a major part in. Towards the end, like his first book, Marley and Me, it got me crying. He really put his heart and soul into it. There's this particular paragraph among others shortly after his father's death that triggered my lacrimal glands:

"Tim and I had both lived independently for years, but always in the back of our minds we had known our father was there if we needed him. For a loan or career advice or handyman tips or life guidance or a place to move back to if all else failed. No longer. The paternal safety net was officially and permanently cut away. It was our turn now."

I remember few years back (when I was still in high school or freshly out I guess) when mom was hospitalized, dad took me out for dinner before we went to visit mom. It was a food court, brightly lit, noisy and crowded with people. We found a place and we sat down. Dad asked me what I would like to have before walking off to order for the both of us. He was having join pains due to high uric acid level. I remember looking at his slight limping figure, tears threatened to fall, but not quite, realising that dad was getting old, and it would come a day, irrevocably, when he can't be there for me any more. Such realisation reinforced itself again. I was out with my dog for a morning walk, few years back too. We got chased by a stray dog in the neighbourhood. I was pretty sure that the dog was not ill-intentioned, but just to be on the safe side (plus it was scary), I scooped up Ahgal and ran all the way home. Luckily where we were wasn't that far from our house, and dad was just out there. I yelled for dad, and he came to our rescue.
I was extremely grateful that dad was there to protect me, but at the same time it struck me that dad can't be my shelter forever.

I see you. It's a line from a movie.

Currently reading: Haven't decided yet

Saturday, September 11, 2010

One of Those

Steamboat dinner with family. Felt like it's the eve of Chinese New Year, except that Cheng wasn't here. Dinners nowadays are even rowdier with the addition of a little devil, but in a good way. Ah, the bliss of life.

Checked my mailbox just now. I subscribe to newsletters from, and one of today's top stories was 'Nine Years After 9/11, is Al-Qaeda's Threat overrated?' Wasn't particularly interested in the article, but it struck me that nine years had gone by since the disaster. I still remember a year after the disaster, my reaction had been almost the same: 'It's been a year already?' Things seem to be just yesterday. And by the 11th of September next year, it would have been a decade. How many decades do I have to live? Time flies, and while living my monotonous everyday life, it never occurred to me so, thus time spent unwisely. It's only moments like this that it dawn on me that life is short. I was so focused on getting the daily chores done, the to do's and all the other distractions, that days and weeks and years have gone by, as if in a blink of an eye. In the end, are these all that I have to define my life? Do I need one? Definition, or the meaning of life? I do not seek to be remembered long after I'm gone, but to be in peace and content, when I shall take my last breath. Or, to be able to proudly share what I've achieved when I can no longer run the way I do now, when wisdom grows and wrinkles creep.

Finished reading The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. A truly touching story. If there's a guy like Travis Parker, I wouldn't think twice of marriage. (I'm just saying) And just to share something that I find interesting, Kinokuniya categorizes Nicholas Sparks' books under general fiction. There were a few reasons why I bought the book. 1. It was on sale (BookXcess). 2. It's hard cover. 3. The cover is nice. 4. It's Nicholas Sparks. 5. I'd got money in my wallet. 6. The synopsis didn't seem like the typical Nicholas-Sparks-sad-ending. 7. The bookaholic-me on the loose. Wow, I didn't realise that there were actually that many reasons, but I'm glad. Never really thought that I would fall for his books one day. They have been around for like forever, but the sad endings never appealed to me, and still don't. But I guess I can handle it. The Choice, though, is a happy ending story.

'Even if I spend the rest of my life visiting her in the nursing home, it's still a better life than one I could spend with anyone else. I love her too much to let her go.' -- Travis Parker

It's Elvis Presley today.

Currently Reading: The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back with the Devil

It's Hari Raya. But really, what it means to me is holiday! Got back in Malacca yesterday. As cliché as it sounds, there's no place like home. Another thing that I love about my job: I get public holidays just like everyone else, unless I'm on call.

Woke up at a quarter pass seven this morning. Guess I'm used to waking up early already. What else better to do on a gorgeous morning than a little jogging? So I got out of my bed and went to the master bedroom's bathroom to freshen up myself. (brother was occupying the bathroom that both our rooms share) Woke Ahgal up for jogging too. (she sleeps with my parents) Dad chose to sleep in rather than exercise. (he was like, 'Gal you go with Ahyong la.') Ahgal's always up for anything outdoor. (nothing too vigorous though, or rather, nothing remotely vigorous) After getting everything ready, I went downstairs with her. To my surprise, the little devil a.k.a. my nephew a.k.a. Ethan, was up and awake already. Well, I had a fun time teasing him while he watched me and Ahgal getting out of the door, with him fretting in the arms of the maid. Haha! He's another one who's in for anything outdoor. Ahgal was already barking impatiently while I looked for a pair of running shoes in the cupboard. Just as we were getting out of the front gate, sis came to the door and called out to us. She's bringing that little devil along, him with his stroller of course, since he couldn't walk yet. Thus, the morning jog turned into morning walk.

A glorious morning like I had sensed. The sky was a bit greyish, suggesting an impending rain. The air was cool with soft breeze, and fresh. The neighbourhood wasn't much awake yet, just a few stray dogs patrolling the streets, and occasionally some early risers cleaning up their front porches. Met a few middle aged women who were out with a ShiTzu. The reason I mentioned them is because they commented (among themselves) that Ahgal looked like a pig. (even though that's no news, they didn't even lower their voices) I've come to find these comments funny instead of insulting. But I wonder what effects they have on Ahgal. I suppose she's convinced that she's a human instead of a dog-pig or a pig-dog. Ended our walk when we heard the grumbling thunder. Mom and bro were up by the time we got back. Chatted for a while at the dining table, then decided that we should go out for breakfast. Dad was still asleep. By untold rules, the job of waking dad up falls on the youngest, so I went upstairs with Ahgal. And that pig, instead of doing her job, went straight to her bed. Anyway, in the end everyone's awake and we had a nice breakfast together.

Now I'm back in my room, listening to The Beatles. Yeah, you're reading right. Oldies had never been my cup of tea, but I guess I got influenced by Rosanne and Rakhee. The songs remind me of that afternoon we shared in Old Town coffee shop. Sweet memories they bring.
I was reading a book after getting back from breakfast, munching on home made cookies. Then guilt crept over me, for I've abandoned my blog for quite a while again. So putting my book aside, I turned to my laptop. Nice to be alone in the room with my blanket over me. I guess it stopped drizzling already. Brought quite a few books back from Sunway. I'm determined to make this weekend a book marathon. Finished my Life of Pi. A great book it is. Seriously. Guess award-winning books aren't bad after all. And it's not just any award, it's Man Booker Prize. I've always had this habit of steering myself, subconsciously or consciously, clear of anything (be it film or book) award-winning. They seem boring to me. I don't know what bad experience that I had to make me feel this way, but probably it's really simply because they are? Anyway, million thanks to Rosanne who got me the book. I might have just missed such a great book forever. Even though I might not agree with the writer on some of the issues regarding Zoo, Life of Pi is simply captivating with the wildest imagination at work.

Time to get back to the book. =)

Currently reading: The Choice by Nicholas Sparks

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Small but Almighty Screw, On the Loose

Listening to The Last Song OST album. Nice songs it has.

Went straight to P1Wimax head quarter after work today. Off at 1230pm, and the head quarter closes at 1pm. Wanted to return the Wiggy actually (the salesman didn't tell me that I'll have to go all the way to the head quarter just to return the Wiggy). Anyway, my sixth sense asked my to bring along my laptop. (but really it's my common sense. See I guess I was still hoping that something miraculous could happen) Reached my destination at five minutes before one, parked my car, grabbed my bag and laptop, and rushed into the building. Plenty of people around. First step to get attended: get a queue number. There were only two choices. A: Customer Service. B: Technical Support. See at this point I was only thinking of returning the Wiggy, but the forever mysterious mind, (with my subconsciousness being the conspirator) commanded me to choose B instead. So, while I was contemplating whether to press once more, it was my turn. Being the good kid leaves me with no other option. I went up to the guy, told him that I suppose I pressed wrongly, (and he agreed with me) and by the way is there any way to fix my problem. 'Well, we can fix that most probably', he said. Skipping through the process of fixing the problem, the conclusion was: the salesman should have asked whether I'm using Windows 7 or not, and to give me a CD for installation because Wiggy itself does not support Windows 7 and Mac. (yeah the salesman again) So, I'm now using P1, at last.

With the problem solved, it was time for lunch. But where to? Before I could make up my mind, I might as well go somewhere else. BookXcess was beckoning me. In just a short while I was in the book store already. As welcoming as it ever was and will be. I know, I was not supposed to buy another book until I'd finished one, but the books here are all exempted because BookXcess has the best deal ever for every single book in store. After about an hour, I stepped out of the store a happy owner (with growling stomach) of three great books. (and none was on the list I posted earlier. Well, stealthy great books are just everywhere. And I'm just human, too weak to defy the higher power of, uh... BiblioGod. (you know what I mean) So, my latest collections are: The Choice by Nicholas Sparks; The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan (I just love his Marley and Me so so much); The Power of Giving by Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon. And I'm broke.
It's such a wonderful Saturday!

Currently reading: Life of Pi

P.S. Check this out

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Step and Another (Breathe in ,breathe out)

Blasting Coldplay's songs in the room. 'I don't want to follow Death and all of his friends... ...'

It's a public holiday morning. Of what, I do not know. So, with no other plans in mind, I went jogging. Covered greater distance in shorter time today. =) Of course, the distance wasn't THAT great and the endurance wasn't that much yet, but I'm happy as long as there is improvement.

Great morning, as it forever will be. Lazed around in the bed for quite a while, finally woke up a little before eight (planned to be out by 730am). A little after eight, with my favourite khaki PDI cap (the one and only actually, for four years+, already), I was out of the gate, breathing in the fresh air. I always started off my jogging with brisk walking and deep breaths, and always skipped the stretching. I know it's bad, but well, who cares (torn ligament is not that likely in my case. Until then... ...). I did't have music to go along with, but I had quite some pleasant melody to enjoy. The dogs barked when I jogged pass their houses. Saw quite a few lovely dogs: Golden, Dalmation, Labrador, those tiny toy dogs and a lovely silky terrier who trotted along his/her master with the shiny long hair swinging with every little step. I'm missing Twinkle and Yankee. Saw a Sunway nurse in uniform getting in/out (I do not know) of her front door. Looked at her for a few extra seconds. Nope, not someone that I know. Saw a beer-belly-middle-age guy watering the plants; two women of neighbouring houses cleaning up the car porches, not talking to each other at all; houses for lease, houses for sale; fallen leaves and flowers; the neighbourhood guards from a distance; some other joggers; a young guy getting into his Nissan; a group of middle-aged women doing stretching in the futsal court; kids playing basketball; a mom (I guess) with her daughter playing the swing; a lovely little girl on her tiny tricycle calling out to her grandpa who walked in front of her when she couldn't get over the bump; feeling the burning sensation of my muscles, the trickling beads of sweat along my jaw. Great morning, like I said.

Drinking soya milk, and its now 'Life in Technicolor'.
I miss swimming too. Anyone?

Currently reading: Life of Pi

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When Ramen Seduces (There's no chance against it)

As usual, it's a great day! I'm on evening shift today, so I went jogging this morning. Enjoying my super spicy ramen right now, with Yiruma filling up the room. Ah, me and my blissful morning.

Got myself a Wiggy by P1W1max 2 days ago. However, the sad thing is, my system cannot detect the modem. Called up the company to enquire, and was asked to reinstall. Did what I was told to (times three), situation persisted. So, I've decided that I don't want P1 any more. (I was also told to call back if the problem remains, but I'm just too demotivated to do that) Gonna return it either today or tomorrow. So long, Wiggy, and believe that I've held on to you, till Fate do us apart.

Another month is gone, soon. Still feel like I don't have much contribution to the department. That kind of makes me guilty in getting the salary, but it only goes as far as that. Money is the root of all evils, but it also pays for my bread. I've made up my mind that I'm gonna sponsor a child through World Vision. That would be a good thing to do, and a good way to use the money. Not that I have much to spare, but where there's a will there's a way. If I can light up a child's future, even by the slightest bit, why not? Why don't you? All it takes is RM50 a month.

Currently reading: Life of Pi

Monday, August 23, 2010

My List (of like I have to spell)

Currently Reading
Pocket Guide to the Operating Room (duh)

Waiting-List Books (trust me, I told myself to stop, but failed)
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
James Herriot's Dog Stories - James Herriot
The One Minute Manager - Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
Better Than Good - Zig Ziglar
The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
the Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein
Mosquito - Roma Tearne
Duma Key - Stephen King
The Innocent Man - John Grisham
Microtrends - Mark Penn
Promises To Keep - Joe Biden
Goal Mapping - Brian Mayne
The Inkheart Trilogy - Cornelia Funke

To Own (seriously good books that cannot miss out)
The Power - Rhonda Byrne
How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be: The 25 Principles of Success - Jack Canfield
The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
The 8th Habit of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
Have a Little Faith: A True Story - Mitch Albom
Change Your Life in 7 Days - Paul McKenna
The Book Of Tomorrow - Cecelia Ahern

Promises to Myself
To control my bookaholic-ness (think of the trees, think of the trees...)
Shall I fail in the above, to at least finish one book before buying another (exempted when it's on sale)

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Last Song

I'm holding a chocolate chip cookie in my left hand, with my right hand typing. All alone in the room, listening to 'Leaving on a Jet Plane'. Just finished watching The Last Song, a movie introduced to me by a dear friend who shares similar interests and loves for life with me. Yeah by now the cookie has gone all down through my oesophagus to my gaster, swimming in hydrochloric acid, being digested. The Last Song, a very nice movie by Nicholas Sparks. Like his previous works, namely A Walk to Remember and Dear John, it is sad. Nice, but sad. That's why I'm listening to the song I mentioned earlier.(on repeat mode) It is sad too. And that's the reason I'm writing this as well. Or more like a trigger. Since the post title is The Last Song, you would suppose that I'll be writing about the movie. Well, I'm not. The title is, well, just a title. This is not gonna be a spoiler. Watch it. I highly recommend it, and it's not just for the hot guy with hot bod. Opps.

I didn't even reach for another cookie, can you believe it?! If you do, don't. Gonna go for it in a short while. Life is just too short to skip on cookies. Right?

Actually I planned to talk a bit on the movie before I started the post, but I don't know what's gotten into me. Now I have no idea what to write == Human mind is just complicated, thus complicated human.

Yeah I can tell you about my funny mistakes at work. One of such happened yesterday or the day before, I can't really remember. (blame that on the neurons) It was a nice morning, as usual. I was in the OT doing the first case of the day. The anaesthetist, Dr Lilian was putting the patient under, and she asked me to go to the next OT to pass a message to Dr Lim, asking him not to leave first because she would like to see him. Well, that's easy. So I went in, identified the doctor and passed the message. Mission accomplished. After a while, Dr Lilian went out and came in back again, speaking to me (not particularly annoyed)," why did you go and tell Dr Jason Lim that I wanted to see him?! I wanted to speak to Dr Lim, the locum anaesthetist!" Ah well, I couldn't help myself but burst out laughing. You see, this Dr Lim just started working here the day before, and I wasn't even aware of that. So when I went into the OT, I spared him like 0.5 second (not knowing that he was a Dr) when I was glancing through the theatre, then went straight to the surgeon, Dr Jason Lim. I was like, why did she call him Lim instead of Jason Lim? But it was just too bad that I pushed the thought aside. So, tada! That's the joke of the day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Beautiful Sunday Morning

I guess I forgot about my blog. Yeah I did. Feel a little sorry for myself, because I started it thinking that this is a good way of holding on to one of my favourite pastimes (writing, not blogging)- used to be, anyway- besides keeping friends who are far away up to date about my life.
Finally, sedentary lifestyle no more! Just got back from jogging. =) I feel all healthy already! (duh, ==) Found out that my stamina has gone down to its lowest point ever. Gotta work on that! It's drizzling now. A very good reason to put off the laundry. No? Well, I shouldn't. Just give me another ten minutes. Or probably half an hour.
One hour? How about two? (Pray that it rains heavily)
Listening to Mayday now, yeah, again. I Love the way their music brings out the spirit and craziness in me. Just right for a perfect Sunday morning like this! Indeed, life has been great. Lots to learn, too little time (much of it is wasted on Facebook, not to mention sleeping, my forever No. 1 favourite, but one should never regard sleeping as time wasting), gaining weight, too long a wishlist, too little money, dazing out just as much, too many to-do's, too lazy for them all. Still, somehow, life is great! And I despised OT so much. Irony. Guess it's the law of attraction working. I just spent too much time thinking not to get into OT, and it ignored my 'not'. But I'm happy. =) I so totally do not want a rich, handsome and smart guy who loves me. ;)

Dang it stopped raining already.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kittens and Puppies

Discovered a new term two days ago- kittens and puppies. I came out from the LRT at Bangsar station. It was raining, not too heavily. I could smell the rain. So then it hit me, do cats and dogs smell like this? How about drizzle? Then i came to the conclusion that drizzle should smell like kittens and puppies.

Got quite crazy over Mayday lately, which is a bit late, but never too late, considering that they debuted before year 2000 and still active. I did realize of their existence, but it was never up front enough to provoke my inquisitiveness. Eh, sounds weird. Anyway, they have always been there at the background of my school years, because friends loved them, but kind of at the bottom and border category. I'm not even sure how i got into them. Probably a Youtube video that i came across.

Thanks to Mayday, I bought my first ever album. I was browsing in the record store the other day. You can say that I was there for a purpose. Looking for their old albums actually. Couldn't really find any. As I was making my last round in the store, I spotted it. The urge to own it came flooding over me, so sudden and so strong, I could only hold on to the one and only life saver, the DVD of Mayday DNA World Tour. Bought myself a new pair of Sony headphones as well, because good music needs good presentation. It was quite a convincing excuse at that time anyway. Besides, the old one was gasping for air for far too long, I've decided on DNR (Do Not Resuscitate). Forgive me.
So, DVD + new headphones, the perfect combination to stay up to three in the morning.