Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Friday, Friday

It's Friday! *wink* I woke up at 7 this morning (for a few seconds) thinking of jogging but went back to sleep anyway. Woke up an hour and a half later, switched on my laptop and haven't moved since. After checking my mails, I hit Youtube. Checked out Nigahiga. And hey, he has a new video. It's his off the pill rant on Rebecca Black's Friday. As usual, he's totally funny. Then he mentioned this Alexandra Wallace girl in the library. So I checked her out. Turned out she's posted this racist vlog on Youtube about Asians in the library. Before I went on to check out that video, this other video response caught my attention first. It's a song called Ching Chong! Asians in the Library Song. This guy, Jimmy is really talented. Got the song and video done in less than 10 hours. Cool. So I checked out his other videos, one of them is his Acapella cover of Super Mario Brother theme song. Very nice!

So, these are the videos that got me occupied on this fine Friday, Friday! =)

And no, I'm not on off day today. I'm on noon shift. =(


  1. haha when i read the 1st paragraph, i was wondering, then i see back the title, it's friday..but how come this girl wrote like today is her off day which i used to remember should be on sunday~ hahahaha your last sentence solved my question.

  2. yup i saw ryan's video too! and we don't need an umbrella coz its SUNday! hahaha. say, rong u should've already heard rebecca's song ryt? the lyrics totally make me speechless ehh. whadya think?

  3. Ryan is totally hilarious right?!
    The lyrics totally blew me away! The intricacy of it is simply unprecedented. XD
