Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Like, Real Random.

These are the photos that I wanted to share for the past few months but failed to do so. =)

The bunnies from my childhood. Not mine though.

I want a library like this, with books filling up every nook and corner, sunlight streaming in at just the right angle.

Ah! Tintin!! I suppose I've read every single one of them here.

The Stinky Toufu! Yeah baby!

I'm missing my dog... <3

I want to bask in the sun too!!!!!


  1. Tintin!! i miss them books!! i remembered i used to read them back at the library in ndc. ahhh. those were the days.
    and my childhood toys were all thrown away =((( rong, what about yours?

  2. Yea, those days, those free books....
    Haha there are still some of mine left. Not many though, never had a lot to begin with.

  3. I did not have much too, but i think they were all thrown away. sigh. they have such memories~~
