Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Couch and I. Only.

Read this article quite some time ago about possessions and love. Thought of it again when I saw this picture that I've captured. Quoting a line from the article, 'people who feel loved and accepted by others place lower monetary values on material possessions than folks who feel insecure and unloved.'

Well, I sure value my books more than others do. And I can't stop buying. Does that mean that I feel insecure and unloved? Hmm....

Maybe, just maybe, I should find someone to fill up that empty couch across me. In the meantime, my beloved books shall continue to nurture the part of me that is 'unloved'. XD


  1. me likey this pic's composition! woohoo~
    rong, u'd sure to find someone to sit in front of u across the table, the time will come! gambateh! and u still have us ur single friends if u ever feel like having a singles night out! of course, day would be great too! hahaa

  2. Haha Ra that was just a moment of melancholy. Yea singles night out would be fun!

  3. yea can feel the sorrow there.
    yes rong it would be!! kl more happening for that. haha
