Monday, November 29, 2010

One day in Genting

I had a great day in Genting today!

The most memorable experience today would be the Space Shot ride. The greatest challenge to my courage ever. Can't believe that I got talked into it. Me, who finds cable car intimidating. According to the Genting website, it's 185 feet tall, and it comes down at a speed of 67km/ hour. Felt like I wanted to jump off my seat when it was about to start, which was already too late, because you can't unfasten the strap once it's locked. Saw the person in charge pressed the button in front of me, counting down to hell. Slowly, it got pumped up into the air. Opened my eyes for a while, closed when it climbed even higher. Peeked for a second near the top though. Then, it stopped at the top. I shut my eyes tightly, took a deep breath, braced myself for the drop. It came. It was crazy. Indescribable. I felt like I left my heart up there. Totally screamed all my organs out. The drop was so fast I got lifted off my seat, so only my hands were holding on tightly to the straps, shaking. And half way screaming, my voice broke. I couldn't even scream. (No wonder I didn't hear anyone screaming in the previous ride.) Then it came to the first lowest level and got pumped up again, this time much lower than the first one. I finally found my voice back and continued screaming. The same thing happened a few times, (pardon me for unable to keep track) then it's over. Thank god.

My first time in the Casino as well. Went in there, had two cups of free Milo, did one round of the Casino, couldn't figure out how to play with all those machines, and came out.

I'm too sleepy to go on any further. So this is it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Miniblog

I've started a miniblog!

I've linked it to the main blog, so you'll be able to access it through the tab right up there. Anyway, it's I created it almost identical with my main blog, because I wanted it to be a part of Gingerlybrown, but with different layout without all the gadgets.

The reason I start a miniblog is because I want a space that I can share things, be it a meaningful event or a beautiful line or a photo or a sudden thought or just crap, that is slightly longer than a status, but not long enough to make a paragraph or two. It's much like Twitter I guess, but I don't like twitter. Thus, this.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Day of A Bookaholic

It's my off day today. Thought of sleeping late, but woke up before 8 anyway. Surfed the net for a while, check some mails, half way reading an on line novel while listening to Jay Chou when the line got cut off. Yeah, I forgot to pay my bills. Lazy actually. So, got myself off the bed, showered and went out.

Settled some banking stuffs and the bill, and I was off to shop! Destination number one: book store number one. Destination number two: book store number two. Destination number three: book store number three. Haha! It was such a great day! Told myself that I'm gonna splurge on books today, and today only. Screw the budgets and savings, forget about the trees and the earth, just for one day. Oh, and the book stores were, in sequence, BookXcess, Kinokuniya and MPH.

So, books that I bought today are: Today Matters by John C. Maxwell (The irony is, at the back of the book cover, there is this one line: 'Manage your money- every day, instead of letting it manage you'. Well, I was thinking, 'if I bought you, my dear book, I'm letting the money to manage me'. And I bought it anyway.), Thinking for A Change by John C. Maxwell (Because of the title of another book, What Got You Here Won't Get You There. Or something like that. So, it's simple isn't it. You've got to change! And I like John C. Maxwell. But seriously, I don't know him at all, other than the fact that he is a bestselling author of like a million books. And Shona likes him too.), Everyday Greatness by Reader's Digest and Covey (I just love Stephen Covey, him and his 7 habits), Eragon by Christopher Paolini (I've been meaning to buy this for ages!! Read it back in high school. It was a library book. Got the second and third book, Eldest and Brisingr, but never got around to collect the first book as well. Finally!), The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (It has great reviews.), Life is Like a Sailboat by John Grogan (One of my favourite authors! It's actually a collection of his articles. See, he wrote for the newspapers previously.), Your Money and Your Brain by Jason Zweig (Simply want to understand my money and my brain.), The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern (Plan to buy this for a long long time! It's on The List. And hard cover no less!), The Power by Rhonda Byrne (I've been eyeing it even before it was out in the market! Bless the MPH for it's Christmas Pick! 30% off!), Blink, The Tipping Point and Outliers by Malcom Gladwell (It was for these three books that I went all the way to Kinokuniya. Vaguely remembered that they had value pack for these three books, but I guess it's either I remembered wrongly, or they no longer have it. Got them in MPH in the end.) So, these are all the books that I bought today!

I'm getting better at utilizing the public transport. Got around the whole day by bus and LRT. Totally proud of myself.
Love Kinokuniya so so much! Love the vast collection of books, the unparalleled variety, the soft lighting, the wooden floor, the soothing classical music, the pullover sweaters and the aprons on the nerdy staffs, everything. Had a sudden urge to work there, seriously. Since I couldn't find the books that I was after, I went round the store. Wondered into areas that I've never been to before (because they never tempted me to) like Performing Arts and Comic. Saw a bunch of Japanese school kids in their light blue uniforms and knee-high black stockings, chattering away in Japanese. For a split second I wanted to learn Japanese. Then I decided that I'm gonna head home and write a blog.

It was raining on my way back. A Korean girl sat beside me in the bus. The sky was palely grey. The colours were muted through the curtain of rain. People were having either their handphones or their MP3 players in their hands. I had my book. =)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

无聊 衍生

又到周末了!超喜欢的。 =)

好吧,我承认我有点喜欢上用中文写部落格了。(虽然还真是麻烦)再者,我可是下定决心要写一篇超长的给某人。嘿嘿。。。一点问题都没有!以前作文废话连篇我最行了,而且我中文也不赖哦。记得小学六年级时,老师告诉我,“你的中文造诣已经到了登峰造极的境界了。”哈哈超自豪的,虽然在那之后中文水平就一落千丈了。 人嘛,总不能太完美。那会让别人自卑,惹人厌。老师教过的中庸之道,我都有牢记在心,并加以实践。最记得的例子有小明每天晚餐吃饭只吃一碗,就算妈妈煮的菜再好吃也一样,因为会发胖。咳,是因为做人要适中。

今天早上起床心情不错,因为不用早起!睡眠可是我的一生至爱。工作时间是九点半到两点半,八点半起床,梳洗了一下,到医院时是九点一刻,还有时间吃早餐。=)之后开始工作,一眨眼就到放工时间了。爱死了星期六呢。当然,如果星期六也不用工作的话,我的“爱死了”再上一个level. =)想想周末一个人呆在房里当宅女,还真够悲哀。决定了,明天一个人去看电影。昨天其实想去了,可是起得太晚,错过了早起鸟儿优惠 (early bird price)。不仅戏票便宜,戏院也蛮空的。所以,明天的计划是,七点半起身,跑步,洗澡,打扮,出门,看戏!好像漏了早餐。或许我该去买面包。再看吧。好想去动物园当义工吶,谁人能陪我,我下半辈子就许给你了。考虑看看吧,本人条件还不错呢。虽然金钱,汽车,房子一样都没有,命有一条,四肢尚健全。坏习惯虽多,但相信不是最多的那一位;牙齿虽乱,但有计划绑牙;身材虽不标准,但很认真地“想着”减肥;有点懒惰,但是二十二年来都存活下来了。呃,还真的。。。不赖吧。当然,优点其实一大堆,但是我为人谦虚,自吹自擂这种行为我办不来,只常常觉得老天爷特别眷恋我就对了。

猜猜我在听谁的歌?No, no, 不是五月天哦。是曹格啦。我喜欢他的歌比喜欢五月天的来得早。很喜欢。一流的歌声,一流的音乐,无可自拔地爱上了,上了瘾,然后越陷越深,越陷越深, 蓦然回首,咦,还在地球表面嘛。好吧,有点冷。

最近对着电脑,常常一不留神就想用手指去触动荧幕,以为是touch screen,因为前些日子OT启用了OOTM( Optimized Operating Theatre Management) (如果没记错的话),每间OT都有一架touch screen 电脑,把部分文件书写电脑化了。在还没完全适应之前,这个系统有些不方便。希望在不久的将来情况会有所改善。呃,怎么突然有点正式?害我好想来个展望未来的演说。当然,我只是说说。

想想,好久没空出时间来画画,阅读,弹吉他,学法文,写书法,下棋,发白日梦,做面膜,感伤,思考,听Yiruma,发疯。。。好吧,再写下去就连呼吸吃饭拉屎睡觉都出来了。重点是,工作了的生活不一样了。以前就算第二天是大考,今天终会有点时间发发疯。现在,或许时间是有的,可是发疯的伙伴们不在身边了。叹气啊。。。 又得重新寻找与我频率相近的疯子了。这真的很难呐,终不能一下子把我的频率释放,那不就吓坏别人了。烦恼啊,一个人疯不起,压抑在我心底的郁闷要怎么解放?!!天啊!!!(想象整个人陷入疯狂绝望的状态,那种由心底,拉开喉咙看得到uvula在振动的呐喊。)其实是无病呻吟啦,总要未雨绸缪嘛。



Thursday, November 4, 2010


用英文开了个头,写了一半,想想,不如用中文吧。我的第一次,或许也是唯一一次。( 天啊,中文输入真的好麻烦吶!)


今天原是oncall second team, 但是因为种种原因,(天生懒惰的基因居首,原谅我的无能为力)把它让了给别人。Sunway 的家庭日去了水上乐园,过了疯狂的一天, 累积了有史以来一天内最多的第一次, 突破了最多的极限。沙哑了喉咙,解放了自己。下次再去。

有天自己一个人去Pyramid 游荡,看了两部电影,吃了两大桶的爆米花,喝了一大杯的饮料,略过了午餐。似乎爱上了一个人看电影的感觉,明天再去。=)

我scrubbed in 了。(中文怎么说,“刷进”?)都是一些小案啦。但至少工作上有些变化。不知道为什么,近来spirit漏了一些些。每天还是会为自己加油,告诉自己,又是美好的一天哦!然后感谢我的Genie。心情指数会上一些,然后带着好心情,过了另一天。但,不想每天都是另一天。


